Over the years of creating, some themes-some series-some clear directions of study have emerged. Best explored after the fact, I've organized some of my works into sweet little categories for your perusal.
Browsing through, perhaps you can see the workings of my brain, and the connections I am making by making.
All of these distinctive series are made by the same hand and heart. The pieces tie together as a whole work, which will be completed when I put down my carving tools or croak. The infinite variety of subject and execution is the distinctive feature of my work, setting it apart from mass production wares. I am a factory of one. And I have yet to grow up.
Some of the series will continue. Some are finished. Some of the eccentrics are one- offs. Though I reserve the right to make pterodactyl vases exclusively for the rest of my working days. Especially because I've learned to spell pterodactyl without spell check, and it seems wasteful to not revel in that hard fought achievement.
All of these works are sold. More are in the making.
There's thousands. All over the world. All sold. Many without proper photographs or documentation. You get the gist of my spirit with what you see here. For more current images/info/ babble:
*Quote by Benjamin Franklin